Natural occurrence and virulence of entomopathogenic nematodes on tea termites in barak valley of Assam, India
Survey of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) have been conducted in large areas of Cachar district (Assam) forisolating potentially useful indigenous EPN strains. Out of total 110 soil samples from different habitats representing different
soil systems, 9 samples were found to have shown positive results through baiting with last instars of muga silkworm {Anthem
assama),en silkworm {Attacus ricini) and greater wax moth {Galleria mellonella). Soil characteristics have influenced the
occurrence of EPN. It has also been confirmed that last instar larvae of silkworms could be used as bait insects in isolation EPN
strains like Steinernema thermophilum, a heat tolerant EPN described from India. In laboratory bioassays the indigenous isolate
of Heterorhabditis indica demonstrated more virulence as compared to S.thermophilum against the termites causing damage to
tea plantations {Microtermes obesi Holmgren and Microcerotermes beesoni Snyder).
Bait insects; Biological confrol; Entomopathogenic nematodes; Silkworms; Tea termites; Virulence
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How to Cite
Dutta, B., D. Singha, and B. Singha. “Natural Occurrence and Virulence of Entomopathogenic Nematodes
on Tea Termites in Barak Valley of Assam, India”. International Journal of Tea Science, Vol. 10, no. 03 and 04, Dec. 2014, pp. 64-69, doi:10.20425/ijts.v10i3and4.4743.
Research Article