The genesis of this special issue on Biopesticides lay in the problem of pesticide residues that was focused in the last issue of the IJTS 2(4). In the ecosystems where large numbers of natural enemies of tea plant have co-evolved, the tea plant faces a battle for dominance. To tilt the balance in favor of an economic crop of tea, the planter employs large number of pesticides repeatedly to keep the pests in check, which has undesirable consequences.Biopesticides have a significant role in keeping the high yielding tea crops safe from pests and the produce free of harmful pesticide residues. Five specialists have contributed well-written papers for this special issue. Two eminent scientists edited this special issue of IJTS. Dr. A.N. Mukhopadhayay, former Director General of Tocklai, is an expert in antagonistic fungi. Dr. Nalini Gnanapragasam led her group of entomologists in biological control of pests at TRI Srilanka, where the work on bio-control of tea insect pests was initiated in early 20th century.
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How to Cite
Jain, N. “Editorial”. International Journal of Tea Science, Vol. 3, no. 01 and 02, Mar. 2004, pp. 1-3, doi:10.20425/ijts.v3i1and2.4599.
Research Article