
  • N. K. Jain Editor, IJTS


The international Journal of Tea Science suffered Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS), early in 2008. Google describes SDS as an abrupt loss of life believed to be caused by .an extremely stressful and unexpected event producing feelings of extreme helplessness that force an individual to make changes in life. As mentioned in the next article "ISTS 200-2008", your editor's long illness was the cause of now identified SDS which delayed the IJTS 6(4) special issue on OCHA 2007 ABSTRACTS, by six months. The search for a worthy successor to this publication and the ISTS Society finally zeroed on to a group of volunteers comprising of the tallest names in tea research and industry. These worthy scientists were Yukihiko Hara, Ryoso Saijo from Japan and Zeno Apostolides from South Africa. Transfer formalities involved in this Change of Guards have taken a long time and are still to be completed. In this process, the publication of the next issue of the Journal was inordinately delayed till your still-ailing editor took up work on publication of this issue IJTS 7(1 and 2) and arrange to handover the journal midterm to the new team for publication of the next issue of volume 7.
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How to Cite
Jain, N. “Editorial”. International Journal of Tea Science, Vol. 7, no. 01 and 02, Aug. 2008, p. ., doi:10.20425/ijts.v7i1and2.4789.