
  • Lok Man S. Palni PhD (Wales), FNASc, FNAAS


The year gone by, i.e. 2011, has seen the revival of the "International Journal of Tea Science (IJTS)", that had been hibernating for some years. Initially, this IJTS resurgence in India began with the dedication, committed efforts and contributions by a few "tea-enthusiasts" and the "Founders", now we invite other associates with the tea industry. The revival of the Journal IJTS would not have been possible without an equal partnership with the Tea Board of India and their generous financial backing to the IJTS Publication Project, which is gratefully acknowledged by the Society, ISTS. Now taking this journey further to the next milestone, we are pleased to publish this "Special Issue on Tea in Cliina", as the first issue in 2012.
This journal provides a unique forum for sharing the latest researches in tea science through full-length papers and topical reviews, state-of-the-art technology adoption worldwide, News and Views, Short Communications, and Book Reviews, and it also helps bring budding talents to the forefront by appreciating their efforts in both research and/or technology driven projects.
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How to Cite
Palni, L. “Editorial”. International Journal of Tea Science, Vol. 8, no. 02, Mar. 2012, p. ., doi:10.20425/ijts.v8i2.4694.