It is a matter of great privilege to be able to reach out to the valuable readership of the International Journal of Tea Science (IJTS), which was brought back to India sometime ago. With the resumption of publication of volume 8(1) late last year the journal is back on the track. Continuing this journey further, the editorial team is pleased to bring out the 3rd issue of Volume 8 of IJTS. The journal has made conscious strides by way of identifying selected topical issues, nurturing region-specific approaches with a view that their efficacy would be tested in the field, and disseminating usefial information, in addition to contributions on varied topics by esteemed authors. It is hoped that the information notes and research studies contained in this issue of the journal will go someway in enhancing the knowledge base of the researchers and tea growers, and would also contribute towards policy-making in the long run.
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How to Cite
Palni, L. “Editorial”. International Journal of Tea Science, Vol. 8, no. 03, Oct. 2012, p. ., doi:10.20425/ijts.v8i3.4718.
Research Article