Editorial Office
New year tidings from the Editorial Board of International Journal of Tea Science are brought to the readers of thejournal and the members of the International Society of Tea Science by the fourth issue of the volume nine.
Now, a peep into the contents of this issue ...
Jayesh Patil et al. reported improvement in callus induction in in vitro shoot generation by modifying the
medium in an effort to buttress vegetative propagation of tea clones, which in their contention is ineffective. Clonal
propagation of tea by vegetative means is by far the most effective and successful method amongst all plantation
crops, but remains inadequate in generating enough planting material of newly released clones. Multiplication of
adequate planting material for distribution to establish mother bush plots of newly released clones in different tea
growing regions takes more than a decade by traditional means. It is here that biotechnologists can play a significant
role by popularizing tissue culture techniques and making them user-friendly for rapid mass multiplication of new
clones; certainly, it would be cost-effective for this limited purpose.
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How to Cite
Sharma, V. “Editorial Office”. International Journal of Tea Science, Vol. 9, no. 04, Dec. 2013, p. ., doi:10.20425/ijts.v9i4.4747.
Research Article